Preventative Maintenance – JS Conservation Management & Town Planning

Preventative Maintenance

JS Conservation Management and Town Planning provide advice and publish guidance on preventative maintenance of your historic building. JS Conservation Management has also assisted in giving advice on preventative maintenance as part of the Willenhall Townscape Heritage Initiative program and Swadlincote Townscape Heritage Initiative. As part of this process, a leaflet which was handed out to the participants about the importance of preventative maintenance. A preventative maintenance leaflet was also prepared for Tamworth Borough Council. You can find a copy of the leaflets below:

Tamworth Borough Council Preventative Maintenance Leaflet

Walsall Council Preventative Maintenance Leaflet

JS Conservation Management & Town Planning Limited has also undertaken research from an academic perspective on preventative maintenance and compelted a Heritage at Risk Survey for Hereford Conservation Area as part of this exercise. More details of this research are below.

Preventative Conservation & Maintenance Theory; its Application to the Hereford City Conservation Area

This research explores the evolution and theory of preventative maintenance and conservation; and applies it to a local level via a Heritage at Risk (HAR) Survey of the Hereford City Conservation Area (CA). The research begins by looking and analysing the evolution of preventative maintenance and conservation; from the times of the Egyptians and Mesopotamianpreventative-maintenances over 2000 years ago, through to the renaissance; where ideas changed to maintenance as a result of ideologies of romantic restoration; It was then that we saw the beginning of the “maintenance for maintenance sake” ideology, which was spearheaded by the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB), who are still an active group involved with the promotion and teaching of preventative maintenance and conservation today.

Today, we live in a world where preventative maintenance and conservation plays a stronger role, and this research analyses how preventative maintenance and conservation is interpreted in policy, law and via attempts from international organisations, such as UNESCO, to develop a standard set of preventative conservation principles which can be applied by everyone throughout the world down to a local level. There are also many ways of undertaking preventative maintenance and conservation, and this research explores case studies from the Monumentumwacht model; to the HAR model, the use of mobile phone applications; to SPAB and their Maintenance Week, and related of guidance and training opportunities.

The research is then supported by undertaking a HAR Survey of the Hereford City CA, which is found in Appendix 1, and the results analysed as part of this research. From undertaking the review and analysis of where we have come from; the policy and law being implemented; the various case studies and having analysed a real HAR survey example undertaken by the Author; the research concludes with recommendations on how we as a society can further the cause of preventative maintenance and conservation so that our heritage assets can be enjoyed by many generations to come.