Heritage Training & Research – JS Conservation Management & Town Planning

Heritage Training & Research

JS Conservation Management & Town Planning undertakes heritage and town planning training and academic research activities in order to further the knowledge base of current practices. We can train groups in all aspects of heritage and town planning from smaller groups to speaking in front of larger groups and seminars, with training or presentations tailored to the client’s needs. Currently we have undertaken the following training and seminar based activities:

  • Birmingham City University: Guest Lecturer presenting ‘The role of a conservation in local government’
  • RTPI East of England Conference: ‘The Challenges of Achieving Good Outcomes for the Historic Environment Through
    Neighbourhood Plans’
  • Tamworth & District Civic Society: ‘Conservation Areas and the historic environment: 50 years on from the Civic Amenities Act 1967′
  • Derbyshire Heritage Trust Conservation Weekend Course: ‘Historic Building Recording’
  • Birmingham Conservation Trust: 3 training sessions on undertaking a heritage at risk survey
  • Council Elected Member Training on Heritage

We can also undertake the writing of guidance notes, and have written the following guidance notes:

We have also written research and articles such as the following:

  • ‘Preventative Conservation & Maintenance Theory: its application to the Hereford City Conservation Area’. 2014

Preventative Maintenance Theory Main Text


  • ‘To let live or die: A study of the options available to restore Venns Arch, Hereford’  In Context, November 2013. Published by The Institute of Historic Building Conservation.
  • ‘Social and affordable housing provision: Victoria vs Ireland’ In Planning News, Volume 32. No.1 February 2006. Published by The Planning Institute of Australia 
  • ‘Sustainable Rooftop Planning: Constraints and Opportunities’ Written with Buckmaster, M; Mallone, M; Kolesnikov, A. 2004
  • Social and Affordable Housing in Victoria: Overcoming the Barriers.’ 2005